
#GI2018 - Day Four

Variant Discovery and Genome Assembly Melissa Wilson Sayres Prithika Sritharan (Dicks) Zemin Ning (Durbin) Variant Discovery and Genome Assembly Melissa Wilson Sayres Sex Differences in Reference Genome Affect Variant Calling and Differential Expression X and Y homology dotplot a few regions of alignment (PAR) @sexchrlab preprint on correct tech biases on sex chr in NGS data infer sex chromosome complement pointing out regions on autosomes with sex chr - like alignment which is screwing up read balance which presumably could influence variant calling chrY var calls will have many errors

#GI2018 - Day Three

Day 3 Rafael Irizarry Keynote Session 4: Transcriptomics, Alternative Splicing and Gene Predictions Mark Robinson (Robinson) Hagen Tilgner (Tilgner) Nikka Keivanfar (Church, 10X) Koen Van den Berge (Clement) Barbara Englehardt (Englehardt) Jeff Gaither (White) Fiona Dick (Tzoulis) Epigenetics and non-coding genome Jordana Bell (Bell) Wouter Meuleman (Stamatoyannopoulos) Maša Roller (Flicek) Alexander Suh (Suh) Raquel Garcia-Perez (Juan) Day 3 Very sparse and poorly written notes covering #GI2018.

#GI2018 - Day Two

Day Two Personal and Medical Genomics Katie Pollard Keynote Sri Kosuri (Kosuri) Patrick Brennan (Nationwide Children’s) Kaitlin Samocha (Hurles) Tracy Ballinger (Semple) Lucia Spangenberg (Naya) Comparative, Evolutionary, Metagenomics Ellen Leffler (Kwiatkowski) Luca Penso-Dolfin (Di Palma) Mario Caccamo (NIAB) Carla Cummins (Flicek) Day Two Personal and Medical Genomics Very sparse and poorly written notes covering #GI2018. Typos everywhere. Things may change dramatically over time as I scan back through notes.

#GI2018 - Day One

Intro 2018-09-17 Sarah Teichmann (Teichmann Lab) Girgio Gonnella (Stefan Kurtz) Luke Zappia (Oshlack?) Laura Huerta (Papatheodorou) Casey Greene (Greene) Sergei Yakneen Intro Very sparse and poorly written notes covering #GI2018. Typos everywhere. Things may change dramatically over time as I scan back through notes. I’ve tried to respect #notwitter. Will be updated periodically. Speaker (Lab | Group) BOLDED is voice 2018-09-17 Sarah Teichmann (Teichmann Lab) Cell Atlas Technologies and the Maternal-Fetal Interface

#BoG18: Talk Notes

Intro Genome Engineering and Genome Editing (Tuesday Night) Jef Boeke Writing Genomes “dark matter” big dna Greg Findlay (Jay Shendure) Stephen Levene (Andrew Fire) David Truong (Jef Boeke) Feng Zhang Molly Gasperini (Jay Shendure) Eilon Sharon (Hunter Fraser) Luca Pinello Population Genomics (Wednesday morning) Mattias Joakobsson Jaemin Kim (Elaine Ostrander) Ipsita Agarwal (Molly Przeworski) Amnon Koren Sarah Tishkoff Patrick Albers (Gil McVean) Laura Hayward (Guy Sella) Functional Genetics and Epigenomics Job Dekker Flora Vaccarino Carninci Johnathan Griffiths (Berthold Gottgens) Emma Farley Jake Yeung (Felix Naef) Minal Caliskan (Casey Brown) Parisa Razaz (Talkwoski) Evolutionary and Non-human genomics Monica Justice Arang Rhie (Erich Jarvis, Adam Phillippy) Olga Dudchenko (Erez Lieberman Aiden) Kasper Munch Gavin Sherlock Anne Ruxandra Carvunis Elaine Ostrander Bobbie Cansdale (Claire Wade) Cancer and Medical Genomics Trey Ideker Rajbir Batra (Carlos Caldas) Patrick Short (Matthew Hurles) Max Shen (David Gifford) Sharon Plon (PJ Lupo) Massa Shoura (Andrew Fire) Sidi Chen Marcin Imielinski Computational Genomics (!